Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful on Paper : week one

Taken last year at the Pumpkin Patch

I decided to start by writing to my older sister, Danielle.  Danielle is the type of person who will bring you dinner after you've had a baby, then do the dishes and clean up your kid's toys. Oh, and bring you dessert to go with that dinner! She is one of the most thoughtful and generous people I know, especially with her time, which she doesn't have much of to begin with (with 3 kids in school and sports, working part-time and starting up her new cookie business!) She truly is a super-mom... she makes me tired just thinking about all she does! We've had our ups and downs- as I'm sure most sisters have- but I am so grateful for the relationship we have today. I love you, Danielle! :)


grey rose (they/them) said...

hooray for darling sisters! and dessert;)

thanks for sharing xo

Anonymous said...

(and as an aside...loving your blog!!).

You are so special to me, Heather.