Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sweet Boy

To say the threes have been a challenge with Hudson would be an understatement. It's funny how people refer to the twos as terrible... the threes have been much worse! He likes to challenge authority, negotiate everything, and it seems that "no" is his automatic response to anything we ask. Lately he has had a couple biting incidents at school, which has us puzzled since we've never seen him do that before.

However, in the midst of that, there are moments when Hudson is the most sweet and loving boy. He is so gentle with London, always excited to see her, and talks to her in a high-pitched voice (that I'm afraid he learned from me). Recently Hudson's teacher shared a story with me. Last week during the Harvest Festival, all the kids were sitting outside on the benches, waiting to take a photo on the hay bales. One of the kids was complaining that there was nowhere for him to sit, and no one was moving for him. Hudson got up and said "Here, you can have my seat!" and moved somewhere else so that friend could have a seat. All on his own.

It's stories like this that warm my heart and remind me that underneath the meltdowns, tantrums and defiance, there is a really sweet and caring boy. We may not do everything right as parents, but at least we're doing something right.

Hudson loves to cuddle with London in the morning.

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