Sunday, December 22, 2013

28 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 28 weeks
total weight gain: 22 pounds
maternity clothes: yes (pants)... I think I have one pair of non-maternity pants that I can fit into.
movement: more & more each day... he's getting strong!
cravings: candy cane oreos
missing: being able to keep up at my normal pace. I'm getting bigger & a little more uncomfortable.

This week I had my glucose test, and the results came back normal- woohoo! Also, Brandon surprised me and booked us a babymoon to St. Helena! I won't be able to enjoy the wine, but what I can't drink, I'll make up for in good food! After a crazy several weeks of work, I'm looking forward to taking some time off and relaxing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

26 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 26 weeks
total weight gain: 19 pounds (the sweets are catching up to me... I need to watch it!)
maternity clothes: yes (pants)
movement: he's been moving around more throughout the day, and a lot at night when i sit down to relax. his movements are getting pretty strong!
cravings: cereal
missing: wine or a nice glass of holiday bubbly! note to self: pack champagne in hospital bag

I'm still feeling really good, but I am definitely starting to get more tired. I'm sure the full-time job, side business (lots of Christmas card orders!) & 2 kids attribute to that! Oh, and we started potty-training London last week too. She's actually doing great & it hasn't been too hard... thank goodness! I think we learned from our mistakes last time. And honestly, London is like a teenager in a 2-year-old's body, so she was ready. 

Christmas is going to be here before we know it! Brandon put lights up on the house last week, and we set up the tree with the kids right after Thanksgiving. The weather has definitely cooled down this week, so it's feeling like the holidays around here!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Family Photos

A couple weeks ago we had a family session with Candace Rock Photography.  She sent me the photos yesterday & I can't get enough!! I love them, and how she captured the kids' personalities so well. Here are a few of my favorites.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

23 weeks // Baby #3

I definitely had a growth spurt over the last few weeks! I've been extra hungry lately, and last weekend I really gave into some cravings with burgers, pizza & cookies! 

how far along: 23 weeks
total weight gain: 13-14 pounds
maternity clothes: I'm wearing mostly maternity pants (a couple non-maternity that used to be big), but I haven't had to buy any tops yet. Thank goodness for so many loose fitting tops!
movement: mostly I feel him at night, when I finally sit still!
cravings: last week I was craving cheeseburgers... and I think that shows in my weight gain!
missing: being able to sit on the tub & bathe the kids without having to exhale 100 times. I'm definitely feeling more pregnant these days & getting tired easier than before.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

My kids LOVE the movie Wreck-It Ralph, so when Hudson suggested it for this year's Halloween costumes, I thought it was perfect! Originally Hudson had a plan for all 4 of us to dress up... Brandon as Wreck-It Ralph, me as Sergeant Calhoun, himself as Fix-It Felix & London as Vanellope. Well, Brandon wasn't quite on board, so I decided that London should be Ralph. I mean, it's kind of fitting for her personality anyway!

I bought most of the pieces for the costume, painted the golden hammer, and made the 2 patches for Hudson's costume. Semi-homemade. :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

20 weeks // Baby #3

I can't believe I'm already at the halfway mark. This pregnancy is flying by, as I figured it would being busy with 2 kids and work. This week we bought the baby's carseat & stroller, so at least we'll be able to transport him around! Last night Brandon painted the baby's room, and it looks great! Slowly but surely, it's coming together. But we are not ready to be parents of 3 yet!! I had an appointment this morning, and my doctor said baby is looking perfect. All the screenings, ultrasounds & tests have come back with great results.

how far along: 20 weeks
total weight gain: 9 pounds
maternity clothes: can still fit into a couple pairs of my regular pants, but mostly wearing maternity pants now. luckily most of my shirts have room for a bump, so i haven't bought any tops yet!
movement: feeling more each day, and even Brandon & Hudson have felt him move.
cravings: still lemonade...
missing: wine, again. it was a tough week with lots of work & a sick little girl. i definitely could have used a glass this week.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

18 weeks // Baby #3

Looks like we'll be adding more blue to our family on March! Hudson is thrilled to be having  a little brother... in his words, "The boys win!!"

Baby looked perfectly healthy on the ultrasound.

how far along: 18 weeks
total weight gain: 7 pounds
maternity clothes: purchased a couple pairs of maternity jeans right after this appointment... so much more comfortable.
movement: yep, definitely feeling HIM move around!
cravings: lemonade (raspberry, blueberry, mango... can't get enough!)
missing: my old pants :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

15 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 15 weeks
total weight gain: 5 pounds
maternity clothes: not yet... but soon!
movement: starting to feel little flutters in my belly!
cravings: cereal (like reese's puffs!)
missing: wine

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Baby #3

So I'm a little late with this update... but we will be adding a new baby to our family in March!

After London was born, Brandon & I felt that our family was complete... but the weekend we moved London's crib into the garage, we started talking about "what if" and decided that maybe we weren't done afterall. We decided to put it in God's hands... if He wanted to give us another baby, He would make it happen. And He did... very quickly! God definitely has a sense of humor. He probably figured He needed to make it happen before we changed our minds!! But we are really excited, and we can't wait to meet the newest little Myers!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

London's 2nd Birthday Party

This year I decided to do a dreamcatcher / feather theme for London's birthday party. I came up with the invitation and color scheme, and then started planning around it. In true "Heather" form, I made sure the important things were taken care of first: invitations, dessert & decorations. Luckily I know a great baker who makes me dreams come to life! ;)

I made a few decorations with sticks, pinecones, feathers and yarn. I found an idea for dipped pinecones on Pinterest, so I had Brandon bring home some paint from work. It was pretty easy, and I think it came out really great!

We kept the party small this time to minimize stress, and Brandon and I both commented afterwards that it was the most enjoyable party we've thrown. The weather was great, so we set up a pool in the front yard for the kids. Brandon grilled burgers (complete with roasted chiles, bacon and muenster cheese), I made my Israeli couscous, and the grandmas pitched in with potato salad and fruit. My sister, of course, handled the cake, feather cookies and oreo balls.

All in all, it was a great party. The kids (and grown-ups) had fun, and the birthday girl was happy. Can't ask for much more than that!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2 years old

Needless to say, I've done a really poor job keeping this blog updated! Who knew that working full-time, running a side business and being a mom & wife would mean no spare time?!

Our little girl just turned 2. I can't believe it... the time has flown by! London is an independent, strong-willed girl. She knows what she wants (or doesn't want!) and is not afraid to let you know. While this can make for some challenging times, we know it's a great quality that will take her far in life. She's talking up a storm and speaking in sentences (things like "What doing, mama?", "Hudson is sleeping?" and "Daddy rock you!") She has an affinity for her daddy and prefers that he puts her to bed. :)

She continues to eat a variety of foods, though she is starting to voice her preferences- "I don't like it." Like her brother, she loves all kinds of fruit and cheese, but unlike Hudson, she actually likes meat other than hot dogs and chicken nuggets!

Happy Birthday London Lorraine! We love you so much and are so blessed by you (even when you are barking orders at us).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Mug Swap

This year I joined Alissa & Caroline in their Valentine's Day Mug Swap! I was paired with sweet Chrissy, and we sent each other a mug and goodies. She really hit the nail on the head by sending me all my favorites: almond joy, reese's & starbucks!! Plus, who doesn't like to get fun things in the mail?!

Thanks so much, Chrissy!