Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sleep Training

See this little girl? She may look cute and innocent, but she is a little manipulator. You see, for the last couple months, she has been waking up a couple times a night and since we thought she was teething, sick and/or having issues with the newly-introduced formula, I would go in at night, pick her up, and nurse her back to sleep. We finally figured out that there was no real reason for her to be waking up. She was healthy, her teeth had broken through, and she was perfectly happy during the day. So last week we decided to show her some tough love and stop "rewarding" her for waking up. We were just hoping she wouldn't wake up her brother in the meantime...

Night 1: Woke up once, cried for about 10 minutes, and went back to sleep.
Night 2: Woke up twice, cried for about 7 minutes each time, and went back to sleep.
Night 3: Made it all the way to 5:15am, cried about 3 minutes, and went back to sleep.
Night 4: Slept all night!!

Luckily, she didn't wake up Hudson, which is amazing since she cries pretty loud and he sleeps in the next room. I guess he is a more sound sleeper than we realized! Since last week, she has been sleeping through the night pretty consistently. She might wake up, but within a couple minutes, she goes back to sleep. I am so happy to have my good sleeper back.

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