Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thankful on Paper : week four

This week I wrote to the people I spent Thanksgiving with: my mother-in-law, my husband and my son. (Sorry London, you are a little young so I skipped you.) This year we spent Thanksgiving at our house with just our family and my mother-in-law, Joan. It was a nice, relaxing day. After dinner I gave everyone their cards, just listing a few things that I was thankful for:

Brandon- Always looking for ways to lighten my load- cooking dinner, giving the kids baths, reading stories; Always being my #1 fan and encouraging me to dream big and go out of my comfort zone; Being a wonderful dad and partner in life.

Joan- Being so generous with her time and resources; Being supportive of us no matter what we are doing; Loving our kids so much.

Hudson- Always having so much energy and enthusiasm; Being sweet and loving to everyone around him.

Obviously it is good to let others know that you are thankful for them and why, but I also found that it was good for me to stop and think about all the qualities I appreciate in the people I send cards to this year. It's so easy to get busy and take for granted all the people in your life. Taking the time to write cards reminded me just how lucky I am to have these people.

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