Thursday, February 27, 2014

38 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 38 weeks
total weight gain: 35 pounds
maternity clothes: over it
signs of labor: dilated 2 cm, 40% effaced / irregular contractions becoming more frequent

This was my first week of maternity leave- yay! (...though technically I am still working on my stuff- just not my full-time job.) I was able to get some things done over the weekend- like pack my hospital bag, get the carseat in the car, finish the nursery- and do my taxes yesterday. I also squeezed in a couple fun things, like lunch & shopping with my sister and aunt on Tuesday, and then breakfast with a friend yesterday.

I'm feeling more and more uncomfortable, and Brandon has been sick with a nasty virus for the last 12 days or so... so while I'm ready to have this baby, I'm hoping it doesn't happen until Brandon is healthy, or at least on the mend! Today I went to the doctor and was dilated 2 cm (I was 1 cm for the last 2 weeks) and my fluid still looks good. I guess it could happen anytime!

In other exciting news, I was in the OC Register on Tuesday! Front page of the business section. I was interviewed and photographed for an article about subscription boxes... so my bridgeBOX was featured. Go figure this would all happen just as I'm about to have a baby and take a break, but still exciting nonetheless!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

37 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 37 weeks
total weight gain: 35 pounds (i guess i made up for the weeks i didn't gain!)
maternity clothes: i feel like nothing fits anymore.
cravings: girl scout cookies
missing: sleeping on my back, wearing normal clothes, my feet...

Since I had low fluid with London, requiring me to be induced at 37 weeks, my doctor checked my level this week. I was so relieved to hear it was good (anything less than 5 would mean the baby was at risk; mine was 14!) I would love to go into labor on my own this time around, even though it's so unfamiliar and a little nerve-wracking. I'm still only dilated 1 cm but Dr. Flores told me that once he starts moving, things can happen quickly! Tomorrow is my last day of work, so I'm glad I was able to make it this far. 

This past weekend was my baby shower, thrown by my wonderful mother-in-law. My sister made the desserts (which I think contributed to my recent weight gain!) and it was a great day with family and friends. My mom was able to come, since Uncle Phil's funeral was the day before, so that was really nice.

I'm feeling tired these days, so I'm looking forward to starting maternity leave and being able to rest and prepare for the baby. There may not be too many more belly shots!

Friday, February 7, 2014

35 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 35 weeks (+2 days)
total weight gain: 30 pounds (yay for not gaining any weight over 2 weeks!)
maternity clothes: i feel like i just rotate the same 5 outfits...
cravings: a margarita! i told brandon once the baby is born, i want mexican food & a margarita from javier's!
missing: my regular clothes

This week I feel like I hit a wall. I've been so tired! Luckily I have a husband who has been doing extra things to help out (like picking up the kids from school, giving them baths, cooking, etc.) My plan is to work 2 more weeks, but it's starting to get harder. The baby is really low, so I feel a lot of pressure when I'm on my feet. Plus, he's really active, so his movements and kicks can be a bit painful at times (especially on my side!)

Tomorrow we are taking family maternity photos, and next weekend is my baby shower. I'm hoping I can just make it 3 more weeks, and then baby is welcome to come at any time!