Saturday, February 5, 2011

Because his name is on this blog too.

I just realized that my last several posts were about my pregnancy and the new baby. And Hudson, who this blog was originally made for, was not in any of them! Oops, I guess I'm already struggling with the whole "fairness" thing...

So here's a recent pic of my little man.

Hudson keeps us busy around here! He is a typical 2-year-old with endless energy and lots to say! Even over the last 2 weeks, it seems like his vocabulary and pronunciation has vastly improved. He is still doing great in preschool and loves his teachers and friends, although he's had to miss several days this week because of a double ear infection. Poor guy. So far this year has started out with a lot of sickness, so I'm hoping we can all get healthy and stay that way for a while.

Hudson's favorite activities these days are puzzles (which he is amazingly good at), riding his scooter, and building towers with his legos. He has been sleeping in his big boy bed for a few months now, and doing well with that. Although he usually wakes up too early and announces, "Mommy & Daddy! Get up!!" Meals have been challenging, as he would rather play than eat (even at the table). Luckily he loves fruit and will eat it with no problem... we're working on the rest. :)

Here is Hudson with a puzzle I bought him yesterday. Today I went into the kitchen, came out a few minutes later, and he had put the whole thing together, correctly, by himself! I was totally impressed.

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