Saturday, February 26, 2011


We are currently attempting to potty-train Hudson for the 3rd time.  We tried right when he turned 2, thinking he was ready. FAIL. We tried again a few months ago. FAIL. Both times he knew what to do when he sat on the potty, but he didn't ever tell us when he had to go, and after a couple days, he lost interest in the potty altogether.

We want to make sure this kid is potty-trained by the time London is born, so we have 2.5 months to make that happen!  This time, I think I have found the key: M&M's.  Apparently, one single M&M is enough incentive to make Hudson tell me when he has to go (most of the time). Duh, I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. Yesterday, he did awesome and only had one small accident. This morning started out great too, but then... we'll, let's just say I have 3 pairs of little undies in the washing machine.

I'm hoping if we just stick with it, he will get the hang of it because I don't want to keep switching back to diapers and confuse him! At least this time around he actually seems interested in it (thanks to the M&M's), but man! This potty-training thing is tough! If anyone has tips on potty-training (especially for boys), feel free to pass them along.

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