Wednesday, March 5, 2014

39 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 39 weeks
total weight gain: 37 pounds
maternity clothes: running out of clothes that fit
signs of labor: dilated 2.5 cm, 40% effaced (not much change since last week)

I didn't really expect to still be pregnant at this point. I'm still a week away from my due date, but I felt like since this was my 3rd baby, he'd come a week or two early. Just shows who's really in control... not me! It has been nice being off work and not having to wake up so early (5am what?!) and rush to the office. I've been sleeping in until about 6, having my coffee & taking care of the morning drop-off routine with the kids (which I'm sure Brandon enjoys since that's usually his job!) During the day I've been organizing different areas of the house that have been bugging me, working on some design projects (for clients who are flexible with their deadlines) and trying to rest.

I'm getting more uncomfortable, and sleeping is pretty rough. But during the day I feel okay. Last night I had some contractions that were about 10-15 minutes apart, but after about an hour they stopped. It's such a weird feeling to wake up each day and think, "Is today the day?" especially since I've never experience the whole "going into labor" thing (being induced with both the other kids). My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday, which is my due date, so if I'm still pregnant then, we will schedule the induction for the following week. I'm really hoping to go into labor on my own though. Let's hope this is the last bump picture I post!

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