Thursday, August 25, 2011

Operation Round Head

Since she was born, London has favored her left side. When she sleeps, she almost always turns her head to her left, and now she's sucking her left thumb. While her preferences are all fine and dandy, we've noticed she's getting a flat spot on her head. I've heard if you don't correct it soon enough, your baby has to have physical therapy or wear a helmet. A helmet isn't the kind of accessory I'd like for London... so Operation Round Head is in full effect.

Last night I swaddled London with her left arm inside and her right arm out. She wasn't very happy that her newfound left thumb was unavailable, but my plan worked, and after a few minutes her head was turned to the right and she was going after her right thumb. I checked on her a few more times before I went to bed, and her head was still turned right. VICTORY!!

...and then London woke up 3 times throughout the night. 2 of the 3 times she was able to go back to sleep on her own, but she definitely made it known that she was not thrilled with my new plan. But, I'm sticking with it. She will thank me one day when she has a perfectly round head.

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