Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bishop // 1 month

1 month: 11 lb 8 oz

We've made it a month now as a family of 5. Honestly, it's been a bit crazy! The first 2 weeks seemed to go really smoothly, with Bishop eating & sleeping a lot. Week 3 was a bit different. He was really fussy & wanted to be held constantly... which is difficult when you have 2 other kids and a side business to attend to (not to mention a husband & a house!) Luckily Brandon has been off work and has been a HUGE help. He even packaged all my bridgeBOX orders during that crazy 3rd week. 

Thankfully, the last week has been much better, and we've been able to get Bishop on a little more of a routine (Eat, Activity, Sleep). Nights are okay, with him usually waking up 2-3 times and going 3-4 hour stretches. He's obviously a great eater, as evident by his 3+ pound weight gain!

Hudson & London are still so in love with him, and they constantly ask if they can kiss him and hold him. I'm wondering when the excitement of a new baby brother is going to wear off, but so far it hasn't. It's really sweet to see.

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