Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bishop Dean Myers

After my 41-week appointment, we went home and prepared for my induction at midnight that night. We picked up the kids from school, got them in bed, and had Brandon's mom come over to stay with the kids while we were gone. Around 7 or 8pm, I started having contractions that were stronger than before. The hospital called around 9 and asked if I wanted to come in early for the induction. Since we were already wondering how we were going to stay awake until midnight, we decided to go in.

We got to the hospital around 9:30 or 10, by which time my contractions were getting stronger and more frequent. When I got into my room, I was dilated 4 centimeters with contractions every 5 minutes. The nurses were pretty pleased with the fact that I was already in the early stages of labor, and optimistic that things would start moving quickly once the pitocin was administered.

Around 10:30 they started the pitocin. The nurses informed me that the anesthesiologist was going into a C-section, and that he would be unavailable for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.... so I could either get my epidural now or afterwards. Given my history with inductions (taking 16 and 24 hours) I figured I had time, and my pain wasn't too bad yet, so I decided to wait. Well, things started progressing quickly! Around 12:30 or so, I was in dire need of that epidural! The contractions were getting really intense. Luckily the anesthesiologist was in around 1:00 am and finally I got some relief. The midwife told me to get some rest, and that she would be in after an hour for me to start pushing. I don't think she was gone more than 15 minutes, and I was telling her I felt the need to push. Sure enough, she checked me and I was ready!

As I was pushing, the nurse & midwife had me wear an oxygen mask, and they asked that I not push during some of the contractions. This was strange to me, but I didn't ask questions. It turns out that the umbilical cord was wrapped loosely around the baby's head. The midwife was able to unwrap it before he came out. I'm so glad they didn't tell us what was going on, because that would have added a lot of stress to the situation! After about 20 minutes of pushing, our baby was born! Praise God for another healthy baby!

Bishop Dean Myers
3/19/14 • 2:42 am
8 lb 1 oz
21 3/4 inches long

I was expecting him to be my biggest baby since I carried him the longest, but he was actually a few ounces lighter than Hudson was. The nurses mentioned that his skin was a bit peely, which is typical of babies that go past their due date. He came out with lots of blonde hair! Everyone at the hospital commented that they had never seen a baby with so much blonde hair. Grandma Joan brought the kids to the hospital after school to meet their new brother, and as you can see, they were totally in love!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

41 weeks // Baby #3

Wow, I can't believe I passed my due date by a week! Apparently I have just made a cozy home for this baby. This morning I had an appointment and was 3-4 cm dilated. My doctor said she couldn't believe I hadn't gone into labor yet... but that it could happen at any moment. I had her strip my membranes to try to get something going before my scheduled induction tonight.

I'm officially over being pregnant. Overall, I've had a wonderful pregnancy... but the last few days I have been uncomfortable and cranky. I think the anticipation (and letdown of nothing happening) has started to take a toll. I'm grateful for the extra time I've been able to spend with Brandon before we start this new adventure!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

40 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 40 weeks
total weight gain: 36 pounds
signs of labor: dilated 3 cm, 50% effaced

I can't believe I've made it 40 weeks! Go figure that I would be pregnant the longest with #3. I had an appointment yesterday & have made some progress, but the baby is still somewhat high. My doctor thinks I'll go into labor within 72 hours... but if this baby doesn't budge, we'll be inducing on Wednesday 3/19. I'd really like to go into labor before then.

I feel pretty good and have been staying busy with work, so that's been a good distraction. But I'm definitely ready to have this baby & nervous about how big he might be if he doesn't come soon! My guess is that he's around 8 1/2 pounds right now... based on the other kids' weights. I feel like all 3 pregnancies have been really similar in terms of weight gain, size of my belly, etc.

But overall, I've had a great pregnancy and I'm so grateful to have carried this baby for 40+ weeks! He should be nice & healthy when he finally makes his debut!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

39 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 39 weeks
total weight gain: 37 pounds
maternity clothes: running out of clothes that fit
signs of labor: dilated 2.5 cm, 40% effaced (not much change since last week)

I didn't really expect to still be pregnant at this point. I'm still a week away from my due date, but I felt like since this was my 3rd baby, he'd come a week or two early. Just shows who's really in control... not me! It has been nice being off work and not having to wake up so early (5am what?!) and rush to the office. I've been sleeping in until about 6, having my coffee & taking care of the morning drop-off routine with the kids (which I'm sure Brandon enjoys since that's usually his job!) During the day I've been organizing different areas of the house that have been bugging me, working on some design projects (for clients who are flexible with their deadlines) and trying to rest.

I'm getting more uncomfortable, and sleeping is pretty rough. But during the day I feel okay. Last night I had some contractions that were about 10-15 minutes apart, but after about an hour they stopped. It's such a weird feeling to wake up each day and think, "Is today the day?" especially since I've never experience the whole "going into labor" thing (being induced with both the other kids). My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday, which is my due date, so if I'm still pregnant then, we will schedule the induction for the following week. I'm really hoping to go into labor on my own though. Let's hope this is the last bump picture I post!