Saturday, January 11, 2014

31 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 31 weeks
total weight gain: 26 pounds
maternity clothes: yep
cravings: sweets... since we're trying to eat healthier now that the holidays & babymoon are over!
missing: sleeping comfortably (on my back) & being able to roll over without pain

Overall my pregnancy has been really easy, but a few weeks ago I started experiencing some pain like I did during my last pregnancy: hip/pelvic pain that is excruciating when I roll over in bed or sometimes when I first get up in the morning. It's been making it a bit harder to be on my feet, and sleeping is pretty tough some nights.

However, Brandon & I were able to get away last week for some rest & relaxation... and food! We flew up to St. Helena and spent 4 nights there (our longest trip ever without kids!) and we had a wonderful time exploring the area, eating delicious food, stopping at a few wineries (for the hubby, obviously), and just relaxing! After the craziness of the holidays and work, we needed the break, and I came back feeling better, physically & emotionally. I'll update pics from our trip soon.

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