Saturday, September 10, 2011


We have ventured into the world of solid foods, starting with rice cereal.  It's been about a week and London is doing pretty well! Some of it actually stays in her mouth, contrary to what these photos show! Once she gets the hang of this, we will start with veggies.

Last weekend, London was super fussy. She was drooling like crazy, sucking on her hands (or anything she could find) and just not her usual, easy-going self. Sounds like teething to me... and this is around the time that Hudson started too. Luckily that only lasted a few days, and she was back to normal toward the middle of the week. Still no sign of teeth, but maybe they move in spurts? Anyway, she's still been sleeping through the night, and the last 2 nights I dropped the dreamfeed and she's slept over 12 hours each night!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's great! Cheers to a good sleeping baby! She is just so darn cute! She really does look so much like you! I can't wait to see her again.... it's been to long! ps. I tried to figure out adobe... and I think i have to buy it? Have fun today/tonight with your hubby wine tasting!