Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Sleepover

This boy had his first sleepover a couple weeks ago. In an effort to get him potty-trained and bribing him with anything we could think of, my sister told him that once he was potty-trained, he could spend the night and she'd take him to Chuck E. Cheese for his reward. It's been almost 2 months of successful undie-wearing, so he had his first sleepover at Auntie Danielle's! He was very excited to sleep on cousin Jillian's trundle bed. We dropped him off in the afternoon and he got to stay up late watching movies and eating popcorn. Then the next day, he went to Chuck E. Cheese with his cousins and also to feed the ducks at the park. He had such a great time, and it was so nice of my sister to do that for him (and us)! I think we probably missed him more than he missed us... it was strange (and by strange, I mean QUIET)  being home without him.

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