Tuesday, December 27, 2011

H is for Hudson. L is for London.

I am happy to report that Hudson is finally... (dare I say it?)... potty-trained! And when I say finally, I mean a-year-and-a-half-and-3-attempts-later, finally, potty-trained. My sister came over a few weeks ago and told Hudson that once he was potty-trained, he could spend the night at her house with Brody and she would take them to Chuck E. Cheese. Unfortunately, about an hour after she left, he was back to his old ways so I didn't think that was going to work. But for the last 2+ weeks, he has been going potty in the toilet every time! And he says, "I have to tell Auntie Danielle!" Whatever the reason, we are SO relieved that he has gotten the hang of it! Today is his first day back at school in undies, so I'm hoping for a good report back.

London is almost 8 months old now. Where the heck did the time go? She got tooth #3 last week, which was a surprise because she hadn't been fussy at all! But I see 2-3 more teeth about to pop through, and she has been really fussy over the last few days. I'm not sure what's worse... teething or potty-training?

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