Wednesday, April 27, 2011

37 weeks... and 2 cm!

Today I had my 37-week appointment (technically I'm 36 weeks + 5 days) and I am now dilated 2 centimeters! This week the baby has been taking a little longer with the kick counts. Normally she is a busy body, and it only takes 10-15 minutes for her to move 10 times, but for the last few nights it's taken about 30-40 minutes. (Maybe she's just running out of room?!?)

I mentioned this to my doctor, and she decided to have me do a non-stress test to make sure everything is okay. Normally they can do this in her office, but apparently not on Wednesdays, so I had to check into Labor & Delivery to do this. It was a little nerve-wracking because I had to put on the hospital gown, sign paperwork and get one of those fancy little hospital bracelets! Here I am by myself thinking "Umm, I'm not ready to have this baby yet!"

The nurse monitored me and the baby (contractions and baby's heart rate) for about 30-45 minutes and everything looked fine. She instructed me to just take it easy. But my "quick doctor's appointment" turned into 2 hours when all was said and done. I think I better get my hospital bag packed just in case!

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