Monday, April 19, 2010




1. a game played by two teams of usually five 

players each on a rectangular court having a 

raised basket or goal at each end, points being 

scored by tossing the ball through the 

opponent's basket.

2. the round, inflated ball, approximately 30 in. 

(76 cm) incircumference, used in this game.

3. Hudson's favorite word, favorite object, 

favorite activity!

Hudson LOVES basketball! He spends most of his day playing with his hoop at home and he's actually pretty good! He dribbles, puts his elbows out to keep away the defenders, and has a mean shot! Any time basketball is on TV, his face lights up, he points and says "Ba-Goo-Goo!" over and over. It's the cutest thing. Needless to say, his daddy is very proud... and so am I. :)

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