Sunday, December 22, 2013

28 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 28 weeks
total weight gain: 22 pounds
maternity clothes: yes (pants)... I think I have one pair of non-maternity pants that I can fit into.
movement: more & more each day... he's getting strong!
cravings: candy cane oreos
missing: being able to keep up at my normal pace. I'm getting bigger & a little more uncomfortable.

This week I had my glucose test, and the results came back normal- woohoo! Also, Brandon surprised me and booked us a babymoon to St. Helena! I won't be able to enjoy the wine, but what I can't drink, I'll make up for in good food! After a crazy several weeks of work, I'm looking forward to taking some time off and relaxing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

26 weeks // Baby #3

how far along: 26 weeks
total weight gain: 19 pounds (the sweets are catching up to me... I need to watch it!)
maternity clothes: yes (pants)
movement: he's been moving around more throughout the day, and a lot at night when i sit down to relax. his movements are getting pretty strong!
cravings: cereal
missing: wine or a nice glass of holiday bubbly! note to self: pack champagne in hospital bag

I'm still feeling really good, but I am definitely starting to get more tired. I'm sure the full-time job, side business (lots of Christmas card orders!) & 2 kids attribute to that! Oh, and we started potty-training London last week too. She's actually doing great & it hasn't been too hard... thank goodness! I think we learned from our mistakes last time. And honestly, London is like a teenager in a 2-year-old's body, so she was ready. 

Christmas is going to be here before we know it! Brandon put lights up on the house last week, and we set up the tree with the kids right after Thanksgiving. The weather has definitely cooled down this week, so it's feeling like the holidays around here!