Friday, March 30, 2012

11 months

Today Miss London is 11 months old. Next month we will be celebrating her birthday! Wow, it's gone by fast. She is at a fun age right now, but she is pretty feisty! She knows what she wants and she will let you know. Most of the time, what she wants is our food or Hudson's toys. She is a great eater, and becoming less interested in baby food (she will spit it out many times) and more interested in real food.

Here are a few more highlights of the month:
-7 teeth with an 8th breaking through right now
-18-24 month clothes
-pulling herself up and scaling the furniture
-Starting to mimic some of our words/tones

Friday, March 23, 2012

I Love My Dog (Round 2)

Gunnar drives us crazy sometimes, but at least he is good with the kids (most of the time).

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Little Artist

All of a sudden, Hudson is crazy good at drawing! I swear that just last week, most of his drawings were unrecognizable. Of course, they were beautiful, but mostly unrecognizable. His Oma & Opa brought him a journal last weekend, so he started drawing in it. Yesterday we started drawing pictures side by side, and I was amazed at how well he was doing! I know I'm his mom, but I think his drawings are pretty impressive! Looks like he got the creative gene from his parents!

*Yes, that is a gorilla. Yes, I know it looks nothing like a gorilla. And yes, I realize Hudson's gorilla is making fun of my "gorilla".

Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 months

London is 10 months old already! Just a couple more months and we'll be celebrating her birthday. It goes by so much faster with the 2nd one. London is finally crawling the "right" way (on her hands and knees) although sometimes she still slides on her belly since she's gotten pretty quick that way. This week she started pulling herself up on the furniture! Yesterday I went to get her after her nap, and she was standing up looking so proud of herself! She is very determined, so now that she's figured out how to do it, she is pulling herself up on anything and everything!

Here's what else she's up to:
-wearing 18 month clothes (some of which are getting tight!)
-eating more of our food (fruit, scrambled eggs, puffs) and can't get enough
-still has 6 teeth, but I feel like another one is about to break through on the bottom
-says dada & mama (sometimes when Brandon comes home, she says "hi dada!")
-sleeps 12 hours at night, plus 2 naps a day
-waves hello
-rocks back and forth to music